A Glimpse of Our Father Blog

Rise and Shine
Written by: Quinnise Pettway
Posted on: September 20, 2021

Every morning I gingerly enter my girls’ rooms to wake them for school. Before the sun has even peeked through the windows, I gently shake my daughters and tell them to “rise and shine.” You see, it is time to get up, get ready, face a brand-new day, and grace the world with their presence. Sometimes they eagerly pop up like a jack in the box, but other times (or shall I say, often), my precious sleepyheads take their time planting those little toes on the ground.

I hadn’t necessarily thought of the words that are frequently spoken through my spiritual lenses until recently.  These three little words that I have heard throughout life and now say to my daughters are the exact three words that our heavenly Father, God, speaks to us.  Rise and shine!  God made each of us a light that this dark world needs to see.  Matthew 5:16 states, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

“How can I rise and shine,” I hear you inquiring? Well, I’m glad that you asked. Letting your light shine can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, waving at your neighbor, or permitting that car to go in front of you in traffic. Let’s dig even deeper, family. Rising and shining can be no longer hiding behind doubt, fear, or insecurity to begin operating in that gift that God has placed inside of you that you have been hiding under a bushel. Remember that His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).  Matthew 5:14-15 states, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.”

Stop blocking your shine, Sunshine! Come out of your comfort zone, take your Father’s tender loving hand, and shine. Someone is waiting for you to rise and shine. The world needs your teaching skills. Someone needs to read that story you’ve been holding within your mind and heart but have yet to put to paper. That business idea or ministry that God gave you needs to go forth. Lives are depending on your light.

So, like I tell my girls, I am talking to you (and myself). Rise and shine beautiful child of God. I know that those warm, freshly laundered sheets and plush bed are calling your name, as they call mine, but it is time to put those size ____ (fill in the blank) feet on the ground and get to shinning. The world needs the godly good works you have to offer. Your love, kindness, listening ears, gentleness, and skills are all lights that contribute to extinguishing the ugly darkness that this world possesses, and guess what? The purpose behind letting your light shine is to glorify our Father in heaven.

This is kingdom business family. So, are you with me? It is time to rise and shine. Stop dimming your light, and as the old song goes, “let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.”

Reflect & Relate

What have been some barriers that have hindered you from rising and shinning?

Who can benefit from your light, and how?

Share in the comments how you plan to rise and shine today.

Let Us Pray

Dear God, my Father. Thank you for being the light of the world and making me a light.  Please forgive me for dimming or outright hiding my light at times. When I lack the confidence to rise and shine, remind me of your power and sufficiency. I know that the world needs to see you through me. So right now, I am asking for the courage, strength, and wisdom to rise and shine so that others can see my good works and glorify you. I love and praise your wonderful name. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

If you haven’t already, I invite you to check out my new book, “A Glimpse of Our Father: Lessons Parenthood Reveals for All of God’s Children,” for more inspiration and encouragement.

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Copyright © 2021| A Glimpse of Our Father


  1. Melanie

    This is such an inspirational post, Sis!! Yes, others are depending on our light. I am allowing my light to shine by blogging with vulnerability about things I’m going through to encourage others to endure and look to the Lord. I praise God for giving me courage to share. Thank you for this post!

    • Quinnise Pettway

      Aww, yay Sis! I am blessed to hear that this post inspired you. I commend you and encourage you to continue to blog with vulnerability, because you are right, it is our transparency with all that God has done and brought us through that points others to His power and love. Keep sharing your story. Thank you for checking in!

  2. Patrice

    I am reminded today to let the SON shine on and through me, that He May receive all glory! Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder with all of us Quinnise, blessings to you sis!

    • Quinnise Pettway

      Yes Patrice! You are so right that we are to let the SON shine because all glory belongs to Him. You are so very welcome, and I am grateful that this post was a helpful reminder. Many blessings to you sis!

  3. Mrs. Deborah

    I don’t always reply, but I’m always blessed with the wonderful way you share the Word. So encouraging. Thanks so much Quinnise. Love & Blessings to you and the family.

    • Quinnise Pettway

      Aww, thank you so much Mrs. Deborah! I am truly blessed and excited to know that you are ministered to each time you read. God surly gets all of the glory! Love and blessings right back to you and your family too.

  4. Tona

    This isna very encouraging post! My Aunt used to say rise and shine little sleepy head it’s time to serve the Lord. I think it came from a radio program. This is so important to remember to do each day.

    • Quinnise Pettway

      Oh wow, Tona! So you know just what I am talking about. Your Aunt was so right. Yes, we have to remember that we should be about His service every single day. The world needs our lights! Thank you for sharing your story and blessings to you sis!

  5. Allyson

    Thank you sister! Exactly what I needed to hear today!

    • Quinnise Pettway

      Yes, Allyson, you have a light. Let it shine on sis! You are welcome and many blessings to you!